Terms and Conditions
1. Disclaimer
1.1 Content of this Website
CLIPPS Juergen Biefang (“CLIPPS”) does not take any responsibility as to the correctness, completeness or up-to-dateness of any of the content made available (text, information, photographs or videos). Access and use of content is at the user’s own risk. Content is generated by individuals and does not necessarily reflect CLIPPS’s opinion. Since CLIPPS has not demonstrably acted on purpose or by gross negligence, any claim against CLIPPS about material or immaterial damages related to the use or not-use of content and information, as well as on the use of faulty, incomplete or outdated information, is completely excluded and inadmissible.
1.2 Availability of the Website
CLIPPS will use its best efforts to provide its services without interruption, as far as is possible. Despite all precautions, server downtimes cannot completely be avoided. CLIPPS reserves the right to interrupt or modify all or parts of its services at any time.
1.3 External links
This website contains direct or indirect referrals to third parties’ websites (“external links”). These websites are subject to the liability of their respective owners. When inserting these links for the first time, CLIPPS has examined the content of these websites for possible legal irregularities. CLIPPS hereby declares that at this initial time, no such irregularities were apparent. CLIPPS has no influence over the current or future design, nor the content of the websites referred to by external links. Embedding external links into a website does not signify approval of the content behind such link. Continuous monitoring of the content provided by such external links, without any concrete evidence, is not reasonable. Upon acknowledgment of any irregularities, such external links will be deleted immediately. CLIPPS will be responsible for content on external links only if it has demonstrably had detailed knowledge of the irregular content, and if it was technically possible and reasonable to suspend the use of any irregular or illegal content.
1.4 Advertisement
The author of advertisement is responsible for its content and for the content of the website linked by the advertisement. The display of an advertisement does not signify CLIPPS’s approval of its content.
1.5 Limitation of liabilities
Notwithstanding the above, CLIPPS and the businesses associated with Clipps are liable in cases of intent or gross negligence, as well as in cases of culpable or less than gross negligent breaches of crucial contractual obligations (so-called cardinal obligations) to restitution of damages. Insofar as damages are not the result of gross negligence by CLIPPS or any businesses associated with them, or their legal representatives or their executive staff, liability is limited to the restitution of the typically foreseeable damages. Liability obligations for any harm to life, body or health remain unaffected, just as well as any claims within the context of the product liability act and/or the producer liability.
2. Copyright
Content and works on this website are protected by copyright. Any use not expressly authorised by German copyright needs prior written approval of the respective owner or author, particularly the dissemination, modification, translation, storage, processing, reproduction, or replay of content in data banks or other media and systems. Content and contributions of third parties are marked as such. Unauthorised reproduction or replay or dissemination of complete web pages or individual content is illegal and subject to legal prosecution.